David Belle, Adam Krohn

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Používate zastaralý prehliadač, stránka sa nemusí zobraziť správne, môže sa zobrazovať pomaly, alebo môžu nastať iné problémy pri prehliadaní stránky. Odporúčame Vám stiahnuť si nový prehliadač tu.

David Belle, Adam Krohn

David Belle, Adam Krohn
David Belle, bottom, of France who is the world's leading practitioner of Parkour, watches as Adam Krohn, of Houston, auditions to perform with him in the New Yorker Festival, Saturday, Oct. 6, 2007, in New York. Parkour, an import from France, is a graceful race through urban settings, where runners vault, climb and career their way along, letting no obstacle stop their progress. (AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams)

David Belle, bottom, of France who is the world’s leading practitioner of Parkour, watches as Adam Krohn, of Houston, auditions to perform with him in the New Yorker Festival, Saturday, Oct. 6, 2007, in New York. Parkour, an import from France, is a graceful race through urban settings, where runners vault, climb and career their way along, letting no obstacle stop their progress. (AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams)

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David Belle, Adam Krohn

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