Irwin Kangaroo, Christie Carr

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Irwin Kangaroo, Christie Carr

Irwin Kangaroo, Christie Carr
Christie Carr, left, watches Irwin the kangaroo at their new home at the Garold Wayne Interactive Zoological Park in Wynnewood, Okla. on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013. The two moved to the exotic animal park in March 2013 after battling the Broken Arrow, Okla. city council over her right to keep him. Carr says the move has been good for both herself and the kangaroo. She says Irwin is able to interact with more people and the other animals help with her depression. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

Christie Carr, left, watches Irwin the kangaroo at their new home at the Garold Wayne Interactive Zoological Park in Wynnewood, Okla. on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013. The two moved to the exotic animal park in March 2013 after battling the Broken Arrow, Okla. city council over her right to keep him. Carr says the move has been good for both herself and the kangaroo. She says Irwin is able to interact with more people and the other animals help with her depression. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

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Irwin Kangaroo, Christie Carr

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